Thursday, 6 September 2018

Eat and let eat!

I have never been a diet-friendly person. In fact, I have never believed in refraining from any kind of food. So dieticians never interested me. Neither did the fancy dieticians usually referred to as “sports nutritionists and nutritionists”. I could not understand how people pay a huge portion of their income for the advice of dieticians and nutritionists when all they ever do is tell you to give up foods that are either part of your culinary culture or part of adding variety to your meals.

With everyone obsessed with weight-loss, I always felt like the out one out. My friends, trainers, and family never really understood why I was so adamant about not following a certain diet. Why did I refuse to have Muesli, oats or granola instead of my bun Maska and chai? And trust me, I have explained to them over and over that diet is not something I can sustain in the long run. “Healthy” food as they call it is expensive, not readily available, and foreign (which means it is wrapped in preservatives).” I stood my ground and just trained at the gym and indulged in my favorite cardio workout- dancing!

So even though I am not a dietician and have no scientific background what so ever, I will be sharing my views on this multi-billion dollar industry and at the end of it I will conclude why I believe it is all a sham. Call me a traditionalist if you please, but what I am about to spell out here will get you thinking about that visit to your dietician or to the organic food store.

Don’t believe your dietician if they prevent you from: 
  • Eating white rice and carbs: Silly dietician doesn’t know that brown rice is a new fad. Before brown rice was even introduced into the market, white rice was the only option. And no one was obese. Rice does not cause cholesterol and neither will it make you fat! Neither is bread bad for you! My grandmother is over 70 years old and has been eating bread and rice till date. In China, people live longer even though they have rice and noodles. What is more important is to pay attention to the cooking methods and ingredients. So white rice doesn’t get you fat. It is the level of activity that has taken a dip since your grandmother’s and mother’s generation. And did you know that in Ayurveda, Pita- high people should avoid brown rice? 
  • Dairy: My grandmother has no idea what almond and soya milk are. She has always been drinking cow or goat milk.  And Hale and hearty, she is! Wonder why I had never heard of lactose intolerance and gluten-free products before I turned 24. Strange how new research comes about that negates age-old wisdom! And what’s that- Skim milk and fat-free dairy products? How in the world do you separate the fat from dairy? Do ask yourself that before you go buy that almond milk tetra pack! 
  • Fruits and sugars: It is not the sugar in fruits that is the problem, it is our activity levels that are. And who in their right mind will tell you to keep away from fruits unless you do have diabetes and have to avoid certain produce? 
What they say you should have:
  • Protein bars: What would people have before protein bars? And wait a minute didn’t your dietician advice you against having sugar? Do yourself a favor and pick up a pack of a protein bar and read the ingredients. There is no sugar there right? Protein bars are just a way of baring you from keeping your hard earned dough!
  • Weird and tasteless food items for breakfast: Yes I refer to Muesli, oats, and granola as weird and tasteless food items. I remember enjoying a bowl of cornflakes as a child, but that was as far as my tryst with foreign foods has reached. Now, what the hell are these new items? When did they pop up? And I grew up eating bread, butter, and tea. Why should I give that up suddenly? Do you know much more those strange products cost over my normal breakfast? 
  • Broccoli and Avocados: How come we are seeing so much of these two everywhere? Where are they grown? Did your parents ever have broccoli before you made them try broccoli soup last year for the first time? And I bet they haven’t even heard of avocados. Go on ask them!  If something isn’t grown locally, it definitely has to have been grown elsewhere and transported to your local vegetable vendor. Imagine the number of preservatives that have been pumped into your salad or soup! 
  • Drink 5-6 liters of water: Jesus Christ- I would need to have access to a toilet at all times if I drink so much water. And how do you possibly keep track? I thought work was already too much to keep track of and now I must keep track of how much water I drink. Do you think our grandparents kept track of how many “containers” of water they would go through? Drink enough to stay hydrated and energized that is how I keep a track of my water intake. 
  • Have food cooked in ghee and have saboodana khichadi and Greek yogurt: But what if in my culture, we don’t know what ghee is? And why would I have Greek yogurt when I can have normal yogurt? And what the hell is saboodana khichadi? How do you even cook it? I thought diet was supposed to be sustainable.  I am sure these items aren't bad for you. But if they are not your staple food or locally available, don't look too hard. There are other things that will work instead. 
I bet every dietician pretends to show you that they customize their diet plans for you. But I am sure if I do a survey of a majority of their clients’ diet sheet, I would see so many similarities. That is because it is easy to be a dietician. It is easy to fool people into believing that what made one person lose 20 pounds, will also work for you. What we don’t see is the difference in our lifestyles and cultures. Ayurveda

So what should you do? 
  • Eat according to your culture: Just because the dietician overlooks your culture’s eating habits doesn’t mean you should. Talk to them and tell them you do not know how to cook saboodana or whatever it is that they are prescribing you. That grilled chicken is difficult and expensive to make since you do not own a griller. 
  • Check with your grandmother: If she doesn’t know something, chuck it. And no tetra pack dairy products, please! Also if you cannot pronounce the ingredients, it may clearly be something you do not want inside your body. AVOID! Go for fresh, locally grown produce. 
  • Save the Mexican food for your trip to Mexico: Some culinary foods have to have special ingredients that may have to be imported. Think PRESERVATIVES!
  • Enjoy your meals, but watch the portions: I will never ever give up biryani or Persian food. I will never give up bun Maska and I will never give up Indian desserts. Instead, I choose to moderate the portions. I also eat when I feel hungry, not every 2 hours on the clock. 
  • Don’t keto: Why should I? My grandmother never did and neither did my mother. I also will not fast to detox! You only detox when you eat food that is toxic to you. But why eat toxic food in the first place? When you buy locally grown and bred produce, and wash it before you cook, I bet you won’t have toxins in you. 
  • Science is a funny field: Green tea was once good for you, and now its benefits are being questioned. Same with red meat. Whom should you believe? Wait a few more years and granola too will be ousted for the same benefits it is being embraced today. 
  • Everything in moderation is fine: Yes you read that right, even alcohol and aerated drinks, can be had. I was a thumbs up addict once not too long ago. It has been a month since I haven't tasted it even. But I won’t stop myself from having a glass with my biryani if I feel the urge to. Drinking a glass of red wine with your dinner is also good. The Italians do it and so can you. Just stick with local wine! 
  • Don’t go to a dietician: Use your brains instead and follow your gut feeling. If something you ate caused you constipation or diarrhea, you know to avoid it. Your gut is the best judge of what you can eat and what you should avoid. 
  • Avoid the one diet for all syndrome: There is no such thing as uniformity in meals. You need to have a colorful meal. The greens, yellows, reds, purples all need to be on display at the dining table. 
  • Quit counting the calories, carbs, and proteins: I will go insane if I have to maintain a food journal and record everything I ate and its exact nutrients. If my gut is happy, I am. If I feel good about myself when I stare into the mirror, I don’t need to know the calories of what I ate. 
  • If you want to follow media shows you, don’t lose sight of its past projections:  Who creates trends? Kareena Kapoor or Shilpa Shetty? What about the actors of the yesteryears? Were they a size zero? I don’t think that a size zero is sexy…it is unhealthy if you have to starve yourself to get there? I remember being disappointed that no one would cast me in movies because I wasn’t “skinny”. But why are we doing this to our existence? We should get into that frame of mind and body where we are happy! I love watching the female stars of bygone eras of Bollywood. They were curvy and sexy. 
  • Capitalism is another culprit: It has given us the “gift” of options, or should I rather say “curse”. These options, my readers, is a big dilemma. Imagine seeing so many men before having to settle on one groom! Oh boy, I rather call off the marriage! I go to the supermarket and find so many milk options in the aisle. I also see so many varieties of teas, and cheese and sugar. Can the mirror on the wall tell me which one I should pick? 
  • Become more active: Take the stairs, walk to your nearest grocery store, Walk around while on a call, and do house chores! We are not putting on weight only because of our food choices; we are obese because we are not as active as our grandparent's generation. Let's move it! move it! 
  • Chew like a cow: On the other hand, chew like a cow and take time to enjoy your meal. This is why I prefer not eating by myself as then I eat too much too quickly. I believe in meal companions' I even had one! 
  • Don't drink, and eat cold foods: They aren't healthy for your gut. Warm the food and drink warm water when possible. Chilled water even during scorching summers can cause your gut immense discomfort. 

All this translates to common sense is less expensive and more valuable. History too is a good companion. Sit your grandmother down and let her share her food tips with you.  Go through your fridge and pantry and chuck all the food items whose ingredients you don’t recognize or have to google. And remember to always go with what’s fresh and that which makes you happy. If it is sustainable, you have just strengthened your relationship with food. So dear dieticians, 'eat and let eat!'

I invite you to share your experience with diet and dieticians.

Here’s the link to my video on the same topic.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Airbnb- the business of living with the perfect strangers

“Don’t talk to strangers,” my mother’s voice still echoes in my ears that obviously is open to all sorts of noises! 

But I have always been a rebel and I wanted to find out why she would advise me against opening up to strangers.  I still haven’t figured out why she was always apprehensive. 

Up until I was 17, I was a sheltered being. I am now 34, and those words just seem gibberish, particularly because I have bloomed into an amazing human only because I didn’t pay heed to her advice. 

Times have changed, drastically. You can only survive if you do meet and interact with strangers. A sheltered Mariam would have never made something of her existence. I bagged my first paid internship during the first semester of uni only because I garnered courage and went ahead and spoke to the facilitator of a workshop hosted by the Georgia College Press Association (GCPA). Mr. Mark Smith was impressed with me, enough to offer me a paid internship at his newspapers- The Eatonton Messenger and Lake Oconee News. I later on to become the President of the GCPA. That is only one instance where I proved my mother wrong. Sometimes parents have to be challenged. But defiance is not the point I am making here. 

You are all smart and know what I mean. 

My first car, the awards I won at uni, and my travel diaries are all the result of my flamboyant nature. Fast forward to the year 2015, and I took my love for strangers to a whole new level when I started inviting strangers to share my home! Airbnb has fundamentally changed my positioning on strangers. I have met some of the coolest individuals, showed them around Cairo and also shared some of my life’s deepest secrets with them. It has been beautiful. 

And I am not alone. The Airbnb community is growing and rightly so. A lot of people do it for the money. I do it for the companionship. Hosting someone in your house can be a scary thought. What if they loot me? What if they hurt me? I can understand your reservations. And I am not here to convince you that you should blindly trust strangers. What I intend to do, however, is to convince you to put down your guard enough where you can make the most of any conversation with a stranger. Take baby steps. I did too. And now I am a seasoned Airbnb host and traveler. 

So many memorable experiences that it is hard to pin down my favorite. I have hosted people from all over the world and of such diverse backgrounds. Some have stayed a couple of nights and some for weeks! Many have become friends, and some just last as long as their visit. Either way, each guest has left an impact. 

Michelle from Switzerland, Anna from Austria, Beau from the US, Ankit from Mumbai, Sam and …. from the US, Nivedita from Bangalore, Venkat from Hyderabad, Alsu from Russia, Michael from Germany, Indranil from Kolkatta, Anna from Mexico, Ankit from Chandigarh, and I can just go on and on. 

I carefully choose the strangers I want to host, and then make the most of our time together. From reflections over hookah, a dinner, politically incorrect jokes over breakfast, attending music concerts together, and coffee shop conversations, time with Airbnb guests is beyond compare.

Somethings are best experienced with someone you don’t know, and when strangers become a familiar presence, consider you have lived life in the truest sense. 

There can be good and bad moments. Whether you choose to dwell on the bad, is up to you. I have chosen to look beyond the negative experiences and not give in to my mom’s voice. 

The Airbnb model is beyond one of business. The idea of connecting is simply surreal, and yet deeply fulfilling. 

Airbnb can be what you want to make of it. A stopover, or an enriching experience. I always hope for the latter for me and my guests. 

Watch my YouTube video here.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Replaceability is inevitable...just not yet!

Now don't let anyone tell you that you are irreplaceable. I know this sounds harsh, but somehow even you know that I am blatantly honest. 
replaceability is inevitable...just not yet!
When my boutique in Cairo was my passion, I was irreplaceable.

Others have replaced me and I have replaced others. As I am sure you have too. So whom do we kid when we tell ourselves that we are too good to be discharged? The truth of the matter is you won't mind being replaced by people, or from positions toward which you have no inclination. But I am sure you would hate your gut if you were to be replaced by someone at a  company or inner circle you most want in.

Five seasons of witnessing the Underwoods unturn every stone solely to hold on to their power in the White House, I have learned a great deal about change, power, and passion. I have Netflix to thank for this; I had forgotten what was most dear to me, and what I wanted to be known for: that I would not have minded being replaced by a new colleague at work, but I would most certainly hate to ax my desire for my words to be noticed. I would hate to not leave a legacy before I am to be replaced by a newbie.  

I am not a tech writer. I can be replaced in that domain. And I know this.  But what I won't allow is for someone to swap me easily. This only boils down to one thing- what is your passion? How important is something to you that you are willing to go any length to make your mark? Unlike the Underwood administration, I hope you have an ethical plan to pursue. 

How difficult is it for a MAC user to go back to using a PC? Quite difficult, but not quite impossible. This is exactly what Apple plays on- making their products difficult to be replaced-so that Apple products can continue to dominate the consumer market long after Steve Jobs' demise. We have something to learn from this: choose your battles and ensure you convey how difficult it would be for someone to knock you down. 

It goes without saying then that brands that have survived this long have pitched their position. They have created a hook, thrown the bait at you, and there you are being pulled into their net. But the fishermen too will someday be replaced as will the fish in their net. 

The space between what you are willing to do and what you ought to do is your passion. Follow your gut. It never betrays. One day a technology is king and the next day it becomes obsolete. Be the Cloud engineer or company with an eye on the future, and not just the cloud engineer or cloud company. You don't want to be easily ousted, now do you?  Find your niche, and let your passion scream your irreplaceability to the environ that is your audience. Don't be disheartened that you were replaced if you never wanted the place from the getgo! Is all I am saying...

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Technology-Live it Byte size!

I asked my mother if she remembered my first attempt at being an entrepreneur. I was ten and I was selling handwritten magazines to folks in my neighborhood and the community mosque. Of course, she did, even the details- the columns, the stories, the revenue.  When my parents had me enrolled in computer classes around the corner from the house I grew up in, I was thrilled to have been introduced to Notepad. I recall Ms. Nanda teaching me all the functions I could perform with this new tool! I then started experimenting with Notepad. I typed endlessly on the keyboard of the computer at Excel Computers and even came out with a typed version of my magazine. The little Mariam grew up and pursued her passion for media. That first attempt never materialized into something, beyond a childhood memory. But it was significant in the sense that today it is unheard of for someone to even write a handwritten letter, much less a magazine. I don’t even remember the last time I held a magazine in my hand. Perhaps it was the Filmfare or Femina magazine at a doctor’s clinic before I departed for the US.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

The Blue Toothbrush

the blue toothbrush
What is the likelihood that a break up be happy? Most often than not, breakups always leave hearts broken even in mutual separations.  Hence the name! And trust me no matter how many breakups you have been through, it never seems to get easier, neither does the age of the couple involved or length of the relationship have any bearing on the pain and loneliness you experience immediately post a separation. Whatever the reason behind the break-up, it is always followed by tears.  But the tears eventually cease; the feeling of missing your ex may or may not. How long the grieving period lasts varies from person to person and also on the emotions involved. How I react to a break up will be different from how my ex responds to our separation.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Unnerve your reservations about Solo Trips

unnerve your reservations about Solo Trips
Master the art of thou selfies on a solo trip

Traveling in a group has its own perks, just as traveling solo has its. A majority of my travels have been solo trips and I can vouch that they have been some of the most memorable ones indeed. But it wasn't until I got to India that I realized that solo travels are a luxury that only a few could afford,  and not because they can't afford it financially, but because they had parents or close relatives who would keep them from experiencing the best moments of their life. Even in today's day and age, Indian parents have reservations about their daughters venturing out even to the next town on their own. But how does one go from living with parents to living with a husband and then kids without really living on their own and experiencing their personal calling in a country where women are not allowed to live independently and where even finding accommodation as a bachelor is like finding a needle in the haystack?

Monday, 26 March 2018

Mariam! Mariam! Where have you been?

At my desk

Let me follow that title with this, "I have not been to London to see the queen!" Given that I am a Gemini, the disappearing and appearing act is second nature. And so you must forgive me for being focused on some other stuff while I took a break from personal blogging. But, tonight I felt the urge to return to my online journal and share with you the details of the reason I have been away.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Value Added Togetherness

When I think of the highlights of last year, I am flooded with thoughts of love.  This past year I have fallen in love multiple times, or rather felt multiple types of love. True romantic love that will always stay with me, a filler love that only lasted three weeks and a companionship that has given me the strength to carry on with my fight for survival.  True and filler loves are loves we are all familiar with, so I don’t want to discuss them except in passing mentions. The less understood or rather the commonly misunderstood type of love is one felt between two individuals that serve as companions, and one that Arsalan and I have felt for each other.